Central Asia Reviews

Aims and Scope

This journal is convened by the Cambridge Central Asia Forum which aspires to encourage interdisciplinary research and brings together scholars from arts and humanities, social, natural and biological sciences to conduct research and to study and aid development in Central Asia. It is a peer-reviewed journal and is dedicated to Central Asian studies. It is edited by the editorial group of postgraduate students and fellows at the Cambridge Central Asian Forum in the University of Cambridge and published by the Cambridge Scientific Publishers (CSP). It seeks to be inclusive and endeavours to promote awareness about the region and to bring together a cross section of researchers in various disciplines working on and within Central Asia and not only Central Asian studies. The journal is a bi-annual publication and will also have special editions with specific themes as per new and exciting developments in the region.

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Guest Executive Committee

Prajakti Kalra, Cambridge Central Asia Forum
Nikolay Murashkin, University of Cambridge
Boram Shin, University of Cambridge

Associate Editor:
Diana Kudaibergenova., University of Cambridge

Editorial Board
Khamidulla Akbarov, National University of Uzbekistan
Munira Shahidi, Shahidi, Z. Shahidi Museum of Musical Culture, Tajikistan
Meruert Abusseitova, Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Submission of manuscripts
Contributions to Cambridge Central Asia Reviews are published free of charge. Authors are requested to submit their papers to the Editor and each manuscript is individually peer-reviewed and evaluated and the page extent of papers is not limited. Group submissions (panels, thematic issues) are also evaluated individually. A proposal for group submissions is submitted in advance. Pages in colour are published free of charge. After acceptance of papers Cambridge Central Asia Reviews acquires copyright of all papers.

Subscriptions to Cambridge Central Asia Reviews can be ordered by contacting the publisher: info@cambridgescientificpublishers.com Discounts are available for libraries, institutes and universities: please contact the publisher. Each issue is published and supplied separately and special issues are assigned an ISBN and are also available as books.

Russia’s Cultural Ambitions in Central Asia (1865–1920)
Inessa Kouteinikova

Album Turkestan. Sketches from Life by V.V.Vereshchagin
Maria Chernysheva 

‘Asian Other’ vs ‘Asian Self’ in the Quest for Identity of Central Asian Intellectual Elites: Chokan Valikhanov’s Journeys to Oriental Turkestan in the late 1850s
Irina Kantarbaeva-Bill

Colonial Era Turkestani Women and Fashion
Saodat Sayberdieva

Sacred Trees: Pre-Islamic to Post-Soviet Ritual Imagery in the Upper Zarafshan Valley, Tajikistan
Katherine Hughes

The Imperial Project and Soviet Art
Aliya De Tiesenhausen

Modernizing the Past in the Present: Sabit Mukanov’s Botagoz and Early Soviet Kazakh Literature
Diana T. Kudaibergenova

Azerbaijani Scientists in the Grip of Repression (the 1930s)
Tamilla Sabir Karimova

South to the Great Steppe: the travels of Thomas and Lucy Atkinson in Eastern Kazakhstan 1847-521
Nick Fielding